Hampstead Living
Hampstead High St
Montgomery, AL 36116
(334) 270-6730
Hampstead is created based on Traditional Neighborhood Design, combining all that is innovative and exciting, right at your doorstep. Led by acclaimed international planners Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company, creators of Seaside, Alys Beach, and Rosemary Beach in Florida, Hampstead is crafted by dedicated architects, designers, and its founders since 2008. Hampstead has received national awards including the Congress for New Urbanism’s Charter Award and media attention for these innovative efforts.
We strive to connect people to create a vibrant, true community • design and create innovative methods to develop and preserve the land • create sustainable homes within a sustainable community using technology and New Urbanist theory • promote the importance of design, arts, craft, agriculture and education within the cultural heritage of the New South • value the quality of life created in a cohesive community that offers places to live, work, learn, rest, grow and have fun.