With the whole family home, now is the time to get creative and have some fun together. We have put together a list of seven different fun things to do with the family!

Local Artists Live
If you’ve ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of creation in studios of local artists, tune in this Saturday, May 2 at 10 AM, as Montgomery artist Tara Cady Sartorius broadcasts live on our Instagram—opening her studio space to share her artwork, inspirations, and offer a Q&A with the audience!
Follow the @MontgomeryMFA on Instagram to join the conversation. https://www.instagram.com/montgomerymfa/

Take Cooking Classes with Delish
Delish is live streaming on IG every weekday at 1pm EST to share cook-along videos for you and your little ones
Click for a sneak peek at what we’ll be cooking (and to make your shopping list) 👉 http://dlsh.it/c7up7Di

Volunteer from Home
Points of Light, the world’s largest organization dedicated to volunteer service founded by former president George H.W. Bush, has come up with a way for people to help others from the comfort of home.

Create a Home Garden
It’s the perfect time of year to start your own home garden!

50 Fun DIY Activities
Keep the kids entertained for hours!
Test out these DIY projects that’ll bust boredom for good from Good House Keeping.

Top Board Games on Amazon
Gather the family together for a fun game night!

LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems!
Kennedy Center Education Artist-in-Residence at Home
Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio with video classes!