Often the things that build up in our house are items we think we need but actually don’t. Decluttering doesn’t just mean throwing away—you can find ways to repurpose old items and give them a new life as something else, or pass them along to someone who will use them. Use these tips to help you get rid of the clutter!
An Abundance of Unnecessary Items
- With everything available online, there really is no need to keep the user manuals to the many appliances that you have in your house. Chances are you can find the manual online or a video explaining how to fix whatever problem you may have with it.
- There are likely cords laying in boxes to things that are either you didn’t take with you in your move, or you just have no earthly idea what they actually go to. In the first case, just get rid of them! They’ll just take up space. If the latter, see if they could fit different appliances, and if they don’t, then trash them! To avoid this in the future, label all your cords with a piece of tape so you know exactly what they belong to.
- Realistically, you only need about 7 mugs if you drink coffee every day. Keep a few for guests and some seasonal ones that you can switch out. Get rid of ones that are chipped or cracked. Either throw them away or repurpose them as a pen holder or a new home for small plants.
A Way to Reuse, Repurpose, Resell
- So you don’t use that popcorn popper anymore? See if you can resell it to someone, regift it, or donate it!
- You may be content to let broken things take up space in your home. However, if something is damaged and you haven’t fixed it in years, either you don’t need it and can ask if someone wants it, or you need to take the time to get it fixed.
- If you have things that you are reluctant to let go of, think of other uses for them. Like the coffee mug turned into a planter, lots of things can be repurposed or given a second life before they’re thrown away. Cereal boxes can be cut up and used as a canvas for your child to paint on. Now is the time to use your creativity!
- Be proactive and don’t let recycling clutter up your house. Plan it into your schedule every couple of months and take it to the recycling center. Don’t let it sit in your home for longer than it needs to!
A Guide for the Future…
- Ask yourself if you really need to buy that appliance that you think would make your life easier, but eventually just sit and collect dust. Weigh the pros and cons of having and using one. How easy will it be to clean, will that affect how much you actually want to use it? How versatile is it—can it be used for more than one thing? Thinking ahead and not in the moment will save you from regret in buying the appliance.
It’s tempting to do, especially after unpacking your house, but don’t just throw junk into a drawer and call it a day. Deal with mail straight out of the mailbox. Throw away or pass on those coupons that you’re never going to use, file the tax information away in a place you’ll remember, and unsubscribe from mailing lists you don’t want to be on.